Become a Conversion Machine

Track how your prospects take action, who’s Leading& Lagging In Your Sales Team & which ActivitiesRequire more rep focus.

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Track what happens after you hit send

Stay informed when a prospect opens your email or engages with your links. Schedule your follow-ups accordingly to move closer to scheduling that meeting.

Monitor visits to your website

Discover when prospects visit your website and which pages capture their interest. Leverage these insights to tailor your messages and create compelling, personalized sales pitches.

Understand which Sequences Get more Meetings Booked

Track the number of prospects added to each sequence, those who completed it, and those who scheduled a meeting. Optimise sequence outcomes by analyzing the number of meetings booked. Gain a clear view of your outreach success through metrics on email opens, clicks, and response sentiment.

Know which prospects require extra focus

Identify which prospects in your sequence need extra focus from your reps to effectively guide them towards conversion.

Ready to dominate
your market?

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